
Doesn t remind me of anything lyrics
Doesn t remind me of anything lyrics

doesn t remind me of anything lyrics

Albrecht is pleased to note that his is bigger.

  • In one of the Werewolf: The Apocalypse tie-in novels, the signature characters Albrecht and the Margrave each take out their respective ancestral BFS.
  • Seriously, his/her worshipers give us too many examples to choose from.
  • Slaanesh, hermaphroditic god(dess) of hedonism, is one giant drug abuse metaphor.
  • doesn t remind me of anything lyrics

    Note that for the most part this is entirely justified: untrained psykers fall to Chaos even faster than regular humans, as their powers make daemonic invasions much easier. We should also mention the entire Imperium, under that same state religion, worships a psyker. A non-sexual example of this trope: The Imperium's citizens are encouraged by the official state religion, the Ministorum, to hate, fear, and persecute psykers, even though the Imperium could not function at all without them note If you're wondering how they function despite killing a crucial populace, they break the metaphor for an answer: a portion of psykers who would otherwise be executed are given to the Black Ships as part of a federal tithe.In other words, they're secretly trading bootleg sex tapes! (And since the gladiatorial fights are usually to the death, bootleg snuff tapes!) While the Wyches fight purely gladiatorial combat, they must remain graceful and beautiful, and those who watch the recordings get an almost euphoric reaction to them. One of the funnier ones involving the Dark Eldar are the ones among the kabals who secretly trade recordings of Wyches in the arena, as certain named ones are far more popular than others."My playthings break so easily." And on a related matter, absolutely anything to do with Slaanesh. Torturing people to death then eating their souls is essentially their version of sex, and it just gets worse from there. Absolutely anything to do with the Dark Eldar.Descriptions of the biological principles behind Tyranid biomorphs are uncomfortably sexual.Player opinion is out on whether or not this is meant to represent Jewish people or oppressed minorities in general. All of them are executed upon discovery except for a small few who are forced to wear yellow armbands at all times (black if their uniform is yellow) and not allowed the same privileges or freedoms as the rest of Alpha Complex, which already doesn't have much. Paranoia is loaded with political and social commentary, but while sticking to themes on the Red Scare does a variation with mutants.Compare also That Came Out Wrong, when the words that someone say unintentionally "reminds" the listener of something else. See also Freud Was Right, which posits that characters can apply this to everything thanks to psychological subtext, and Freudian Slip, when the symbolism reveals what the character is really thinking. Ending by Ascending: someone going up a staircase into a bright light is reminiscent of a Stairway to Heaven.Birth symbolism: Not Really a Birth Scene.Drug-related meanings: I Can't Believe It's Not Heroin!, Fantastic Drug, Drunk on Milk, High on Catnip, G-Rated Drug, Uncoffee.Political/moral meanings: Fantastic Racism, Space Jews, No Blood for Phlebotinum, A Nazi by Any Other Name, Fictional Political Party, Putting on the Reich, Have You Tried Not Being a Monster?, Rainbow Lens, and Ripped from the Headlines.Sexual meanings: Did They or Didn't They?, Erotic Eating, Consuming Passion, G-Rated Sex, Double Entendre and its sister trope Lampshaded Double Entendre, Compensating for Something, Phallic Weapon and Visual Innuendo.Not to be confused with Ironic Echo, which can easily use this trope's title as a Lampshade Hanging. Similar to Innocent Innuendo/ Visual Innuendo in that each of these tropes attempts to draw suggestive ideas from the audience however Innocent Innuendo/ Visual Innuendo attempt to trick the audience into thinking the situation is different from what it really is, whereas this trope is upfront about the situation and merely draws parallels to those suggestive ideas.

    doesn t remind me of anything lyrics

    May result in Getting Crap Past the Radar if it alludes to something that would normally get censored. This sort of situation can lead to a Mistaken for Index plot if some other character hears it out of context. The situation doesn't always have to mean anything sexual, however it is the most common use of the trope. Alternatively, it can refer to an ersatz of something more familiar that the audience would immediately recognize in subtext, in order to make it look less Anvilicious, but it doesn't always succeed in fulfilling the latter. Any situation which is made, sometimes for comic effect, sometimes for dramatic effect, to look like another situation - not in the sense that it is mistaken for that other situation by any of the characters, just in the sense that we the audience see the resemblance the characters do not.

    Doesn t remind me of anything lyrics